Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Want to Have that Toy! Now!

I’m always very happy when I find toys that are unique, brings out the creativity and of course ecological. Unfortunately, these three characteristics are not very often coexisting in one and the same toy. But at the online toy store EkoLeko I find plenty of just that; unique, creative and ecological toys! In addition to these great features all of their toys are also totally toxic free. Just check out my favorites here below; the lovely and completely compostable dolls from Aminaldolls, the extraordinary dress-up garments that can become everything from a cape or magician robe to a jacket or a tent, the beautiful wooden rattles, the solar powered toy helicopter.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I just stumbled on this amazing new Swedish kid clothes label; Kinamockaskogen. I think these words from their online catalog say everything about the idea and concept behind their clothes: “Since the beginning the idea has been to make clothes that children love to wear and adults love to watch.” As simple as that! The label is brand new and the first collection is just launched. So, just look at those cute haremsuits, sweaters and hats and picture your toddler running around in it. I do!